On December 15th, The first International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and New Energy Application was held in NIT. This Symposium is hosted by NIT, and organized by Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Automotive Engineering of NIT, School of Mechanical Engineering of Nantong University, and School of Electrical and Traffic Engineering of Nantong College of Science and Technology. Professor Yuan Yinnan, Soochow University, CTO Zhang Tong and Dr. Zhu Jianxin, Wuxi Mingheng Hybrid Technology Co., LTD., Associate Professor Dr. Shane Johnson and Dr.Jaehyung Ju, University of Michigan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dr. Huang Zhiqiang, deputy general manager of Wuxi Huayang Rolling Bearing Co., LTD., Dr. Shen Huihua, senior engineer of Ford Corporation, USA, Masuda Masashi, honorary Professor of Shizuoka University of Science and Engineering, Japan, Professor Zhu Ning, teaching director of Shizuoka University of Science and Engineering, Chen Mingyu, Chairman and President of NIT, Wu Guoqing, Vice President of NIT, Professor Zhang Fubao, Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering, Nantong University attended the meeting, and vice president Xu Haining, presided over the opening ceremony.


     President Chen Mingyu said that at present, challenges and opportunities in green manufacturing and new energy applications are intertwined on a global scale. We must face up to the energy crisis, environmental pollution and resource waste. We need to promote transformation and upgrading through technological innovation and strategic cooperation, and help achieve cleaner, more efficient and sustainable production methods. At the same time, breakthroughs in new materials and advanced manufacturing technologies will also bring new prospects for green manufacturing and new energy applications. He said that the conference aims to build a platform for all parties to interact, share cutting-edge research results, explore new paths of innovation and development, through the introduction of new ideas, expect to gather forces from all walks of life, jointly promote the development of green manufacturing and new energy application.


     Dr. Zhang Tong, Dr. Shen Huihua, Dr. Huang Zhiqiang, Professor Xi Guannan, Dr. Shane Johnson, Dr.Jaehyung Ju, Professor Masuda Masashi, Professor Zhu Ning made keynote reports at the Symposium.